Rob Van Alphen

1170 Watermael-Boitsfort - Geregistreerd ongeveer 13 jaar

Linchpin | Helping companies become social businesses
As a Social Business Consultant I help companies navigate the social media landscape and work on developing social media marketing strategies. This means researching and understanding the business requirements, target groups & objectives and using the insights gained to define and implement a strategy to meet the KPIs set. This both for internal and external communication optimization. Although my main field of expertise is Social Media, I am also involved in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which is strongly related. We should talk if: 1) You want to know how social media can help your business 2) You have questions regarding SEO and how you can improve your search position 3) You have a speaking opportunity where the event topic is Social Media related

  • Talen: Engels, Frans, Nederlands,
  • Skills: Marketing, Social media, Training, Presentation


Bachelor marketing communication, ehb master of communication studies, vub



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